Inspection and adjustment of the level gauge
The level gauge is a commonly used instrument for measuring the straightness of machine tool guide rails. It is used to check the straightness of the guide rails in the vertical plane and in the horizontal plane. Before using a level gauge to adjust the straightness of the guide rail, the level of the overall guide rail should be adjusted first. Place the level meter at the middle and both ends of the guide rail and adjust it to the horizontal state of the guide rail, so that the bubbles of the level meter can be maintained within the scale range at all parts. Then divide the guide rail into several equal sections for measurement, and smoothly connect the head and tail. Check and read each section, and then determine the movement direction of the level bubble and the actual scale passing number of the level.

The level gauge is an instrument used to check the non straightness of various machine tools and other mechanical equipment rails, the parallelism of the relative positions of machine parts, and the horizontal and vertical positions of equipment installation. The level gauge is a basic inspection tool in the manufacturing, installation, and repair of machine tools.
The level gauge is a commonly used instrument for measuring the straightness of machine tool guide rails. It is used to check the straightness of the guide rails in the vertical plane and in the horizontal plane. Before using a level gauge to adjust the straightness of the guide rail, the level of the overall guide rail should be adjusted first. Place the level meter at the middle and both ends of the guide rail and adjust it to the horizontal state of the guide rail, so that the bubbles of the level meter can be maintained within the scale range at all parts. Then divide the guide rail into several equal sections for measurement, and smoothly connect the head and tail. Check and read each section, and then determine the movement direction of the level bubble and the actual scale passing number of the level.
The guide rail straightness error (curve diagram) described in the textbook has no practical basis, and is not convenient and accurate to apply in the production site. It misleads people's recognition ability and cannot be applied in practical work, often creating an illusion for staff. Checking the straightness error of the guide rail according to this method cannot obtain the correct accuracy value. The calculation method of guide rail straightness error value is relatively simple and convenient, with accurate error accuracy, and is suitable for the operation and application of on-site staff. The movement distance mentioned in the book as a calculation data is not practical enough, it does not represent any calculated dimensions. The moving distance refers to the segment of the entire length of the machine tool guide rail when measuring. The moving distance is not equal to the length of the sizing block, and it cannot be used as data in the calculation. When measuring the machine tool guide rail, the length of the sizing block should be used, and the segment movement should be performed on the entire length of the guide rail. When adjusting the machine tool guide rail, the sizing block should be used. When adjusting the straightness error value of the guide rail, the shorter sizing block should be used, and the measured value is relatively accurate. The measured values and shapes vary depending on the length of the pad iron used. The formula shown in the above example is used to calculate the straightness error value of the working length of the machine guide rail, which refers to the total length of the machine guide rail minus the length of the pad iron.
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